Welcome Guide Template
The first touchpoint is one many overlook — the Welcome Deck. Every first impression counts, so why settle for a plain, lengthy email no one is really going to read? Our Welcome Deck is designed not only to look elegant and thoughtful, but also to present loads of information in a clean, but appealing way. This template aims to help you establish both a good impression, and a good working relationship from the get-go.
As creatives, establishing boundaries and communicating timelines is essential to a solid partnership. With this in mind, we've created multiple pages specifically for explaining your processes, timelines, resources and studio policies in a simple manner. We also recognize that a welcome guide is way more than just a PDF; it's an experience that we take our clients through. Our template is designed with several sections and cover pages, allowing you to hold your client's hand throughout the way without actually being there, leaving them feeling safe, secure, and with all the information you need them to have.